Saturday, September 21, 2024

08 - "And' Hypothesis

The previous task started with an “or” hypothesis. Here we'll look at an “and” hypothesis. 


For integers $x$ and $y$, where the following is true


show that


The symbol $\land$  means “logical and”. The statement $P\land Q$ means both $P$ and $Q$ are true. Statements of the form $P\land Q$ are called conjunctions.


Once we realise a hypothesis of the form $P\land Q$ is the same as hypotheses $P$ and $Q$ both being true, the proof proceeds just like our earlier examples with two hypotheses.

In this sense, conjunctive hypotheses are not particularly interesting, but we do need to learn how to handle them.

Let's write a proof, making clear each step.

$$\begin{align} (x=5)&\land(y=x+3)&&\text{given fact}\tag{1}\label{8.1}\\&&&\\x&=5&&\text{derived fact }(\ref{8.1})\tag{2}\label{8.2}\\y&=x+3&&\text{derived fact }(\ref{8.1})\tag{3}\label{8.3}\\&&&\\y&=x+3&&\text{using fact }(\ref{8.3})\\&=(5)+3&&\text{using fact }(\ref{8.2})\\&=8&&\text{using arithmetic}\tag*{\(\Box\)} \end{align}$$

From the single conjunctive hypothesis $(x=5)\land(y=x+3)$ we derive two smaller hypotheses, $x=5$ and $y=x+3$, both of which are true.

We start with $y=x+3$ from derived fact (3), and then use $x=5$ from derived fact (2) to finally conclude $y=8$.


The following Lean program proves $y=8$ follows from $(x=5)\land(y=x+3)$.

-- 08 - Conjunctive "and" Hypothesis

import Mathlib.Tactic

example {x y : ℤ} (h : x = 5 ∧ y = x + 3) : y = 8 := by
  obtain ⟨ ha , hb ⟩ := h
    y = x + 3 := by rw [hb]
    _ = (5) + 3 := by rw [ha]
    _ = 8 := by norm_num

As usual, the proof header declares the variable types, establishes the hypothesis, and defines the overall proof goal. The hypothesis is a conjunction, and uses the symbol to denote “logical and”. 

The next step is to replace the conjunctive hypothesis with two smaller hypotheses. The instruction obtain ⟨ ha, hb ⟩ := h does this. It splits the conjunctive hypothesis h into ha and hb, and then removes h.

Notice the comma and angle brackets ⟨⟩ used to split a conjunction, unlike the vertical bar | and no brackets used to split a disjunction.

The rest of the proof uses the familiar calc structure to show y = 8


Placing the cursor before the obtain instruction shows there is only one hypothesis g.

x y : ℤ
h : x = 5 ∧ y = x + 3
⊢ y = 8

Placing the cursor on the next line after obtain, confirms h has been replaced by ha and hb.

x y : ℤ
ha : x = 5
hb : y = x + 3
⊢ y = 8

Notice the hypothesis h has been entirely removed.

Easy Exercise

Write a Lean program to show that $y\ge 8$, given the conjunctive hypothesis

$$(x \ge 5) \land (y=x+3)$$

where $x$ and $y$ are integers.